Research Projects

The Impact of Inclusive Leadership of Public School Principals on Organizational Climate and Inclusion of Stereotyped Individuals 

(PhD Project - Research Grant from FAPERJ)

Inclusive leadership is understood as the leader's behavior that makes each subordinate feel like a full member of a team (Carmeli et al., 2010). For this, the leader needs to focus on actions that satisfy each team member's sense of belonging and uniqueness (Shore et al., 2011; Chung et al., 2020). In this project, we propose two experimental interventions that encourage these two behaviors among principals of K-12 schools in Rio de Janeiro. Our main goal is to understand how each dimension of Inclusive Leadership affects the organizational climate and the feelings of inclusion of employees of stereotyped groups.

The effects of colorism on Black leaders' election
(PhD Project )

This study examines colorism dynamics in Public Administration, Leadership, and Diversity, focusing on Brazil's 2020 mayoral elections. With data from 15,750 candidates across 5,460 municipalities, we employ image processing and skin tone classification algorithms to understand colorism's influence on leadership. Our results shed light on intraracial distinctions in emerging leaders. As mixed-race demographics grow globally, our research contributes to more inclusive, equitable, and representative leadership in diverse democracies.

The Map of Black Education (Mapa Preto da Educação)

(Instituto Guetto - Grant from Lemann Foundation)

The "Mapa Preto da Educação" (The Map of Black Education) is an innovative digital platform designed to illuminate educational inequalities between Black and non-Black communities in Brazil by consolidating and visualizing comprehensive data from esteemed institutions like INEP, IPEA, and IBGE. Aimed at informing public policy and fostering societal awareness, the project seeks to drive equity in education through data transparency. By offering accessible, interactive data representation, the platform empowers stakeholders, educators, and policymakers to understand and address the disparities, laying the groundwork for a more just and inclusive educational landscape in Brazil.

RH Data, Diversity and Business Performance in Publicly-Listed Companies

Our project investigates the relationship between diversity (in terms of gender and race) and the financial performance of Brazil's largest publicly traded companies. We're preparing manuscripts that explore various facets: from the broad spectrum of diversity in organizational roles in "Brazilian Perspectives on Gender and Racial Diversity," to a focused look at the employability of black workers and pay disparities within companies. We're also examining the cost implications of employee turnover and the nuances of executive compensation practices. In particular, "Gender Diversity and Its Financial Impact in Brazil" assesses how gender equity contributes to corporate sustainability, underscoring the economic significance of diversity in the workplace. 

The effects of colorism on Black Leaders' perspectives
(PhD Project )

Being Black is a factor that affects access to leadership positions, because Black leaders are often perceived as less fit for leadership than their White counterparts are. However, majority of research has failed to explore the impact of racial nuances on observers' perceptions of Black leaders. To shed light on this issue, we draw upon literature on bias related to differences in skin tone and phenotype within a racial group and impression formation theory to describe how colorism affects observers' perceptions and impacts Black leaders' emergence and perceptions of effectiveness. 

Black Data in White Spaces
(Instituto Guetto)

The "Black Data in White Spaces" project, named to signify filling in the informational gaps (represented by "white spaces"), aims to address racial inequalities by collecting, analyzing, and presenting data that highlights disparities between Black and White populations, particularly in the realm of education.

This initiative sheds light on the educational gap between Black and White students, delves into the reasons behind the disparities, and provides insights into which Brazilian states are in better shape in terms of racial equity in education. Furthermore, the project offers valuable suggestions and recommendations for improving the educational scenario, aiming to drive policy changes and promote greater equity and social justice in the Brazilian education system.

Educational Quilombo

(Instituto Guetto)

The "Black Data in White Spaces" project, named to signify filling in the informational gaps (represented by "white spaces"), aims to address racial inequalities by collecting, analyzing, and presenting data that highlights disparities between Black and White populations, particularly in the realm of education.

This initiative sheds light on the educational gap between Black and White students, delves into the reasons behind the disparities, and provides insights into which Brazilian states are in better shape in terms of racial equity in education. Furthermore, the project offers valuable suggestions and recommendations for improving the educational scenario, aiming to drive policy changes and promote greater equity and social justice in the Brazilian education system.